Thursday, May 25, 2006

Souls and Swords.

The sword is the soul of the samurai.

Historically, the samurai only used the sword as a last resort. In battle, they would use a bow first, then a spear or a halberd. The sword was only used in the direst of circumstances. I think this was because metal was a hard thing to come by in Japan and so they would have avoided the risk of damaging a sword as much as possible.

Reading into the subject more, i've learned that it also has something to do with the warrior way of life. Symbolically, drawing the sword would be the warrior's grandest act, his final resolve. He would bear his sword as if to say to his opponent "Here i am, i hide nothing from you. I bear my soul for my beliefs and principles. We will end this conflict now, with my life or yours."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In Sickness

It starts with an itch at the back of the throat. Then the eyes begin to water. A headache develops, mild at first, then suddenly throbbing. Temperature goes up and sinuses swell. Finally, sneeze comes after sneeze. That's when i know, i'm sick.

I absolutely dislike being sick. The sneezing, the watery eyes, the runny nose and the headaches. Then there's sleeping on my side for fear of drowning in my own snot. That is not a very good death. I'd probably laugh at myself if i still can.

I really don't like taking medicine. There's something about being dependent on something artificial that irks me. I don't like wearing glasses to be able to see or the possibilty of being dependent on crutches or a wheelchair to be mobile. I recognize that the human body has it's limits but i try not to become accustomed to such things if i can help it.

I was a sickly child, or at least, i was always told i was a sickly child. I have this weird thought that i would have been sick a lot less if only people had stopped telling me that i was sickly.

Being sick, however unagreeable it may be, can also be useful in teaching us things. It's one of those 'Experience is the greatest teacher' or 'You never know what you have until you lose it' lessons. Nothing like a migraine to make you appreciate clear thought. Nothing like a broken ankle to make you appreciate walking. Personally, there's nothing like asthma to make you appreciate every breath.

Word of the day::
mal·aise (mă-lāz', -lĕz')
  1. A vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness.
  2. A general sense of depression or unease: “One year after the crash, the markets remain mired in a deep malaise” (New York Times).

[French, from Old French : mal-, mal- + aise, ease; see ease.]

Monday, May 22, 2006

Personality Theory:The Danger of Stereotypes

One wonderful thing about being human and having a highly-evolved brain is the ability of self-analysis. In one of my sessions of contemplation (read: staring out the car window), i came up with this intersting revelation: people expect me to conform to a stereotype, and worse, i did too.

People always describe me as a shy, quiet, serious person. They are more or less correct, i am a shy, quiet and serious person most of the time. But in my view, i'm also quite obnoxious, fun-loving, temperamental and impulsive. I like telling jokes and i like dancing. People know that i don't play sports nor do i follow any sporting event. I am, however, quite involved in martial arts (which people see as a sport but it actually isn't).

The problem arises when people get narrow view of my personality. They become so accustomed to that view that they see anything else as an aberration. In turn, it made me feel insincere about myself. I was confused at why i acted very shy at certain times and very sociable at others. I hypothesized that i was repressed or insecure. I thought the timid part of me wasn't really me, but some psychological disorder i had to put an end to. I sought to rectify the matter by having a 'homogenous personality', that I would not seem out of character. I was not very happy.

The solution is in acceptance. People have very complex personalities, we are not stereotypes. I simply am comfortable showing a certain traits at certain times. It doesn't mean that i'm insincere, nor does it make the other facets of my personality any less valid. We should not be bound by 'what should be'. We are what we are.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


You have to check this out:

spookydoom's Cloud Song ::

Funniest thing ever.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Sometimes, when walking, i just have to stop.

There are always distractions along the road. Sometimes i just get tired, i need to catch my breath or i have to take a pebble from my shoe. People on the road might need help, and i stop walking for a while. It might suddenly rain and i have to find a roof or a tree. Other times i just stop for no reason, maybe to look at the sky and the clouds and the trees. Or i turn my sight inwards, trying to find peace and asking myself why i'm here.

There are many reasons to stop, whether out of necessity or luxury. in those moments, i often find myself so comfortable and content that there seems to be no reason to keep on walking. those are the moments that trap me so well.

but i always, always, always have to remember: this isn't the end yet. there's always somewhere else to go. the most important thing when walking the road to infinity is to not stop completely.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Things and memories.

Things/places that remind me of certain people:
> Vincent Van Gogh's "Cafe Terrace at Night"
> "crazy for you" - Madonna
> ferris wheels
> my Bible
> Staedler pencils
> bubba gump's restaurant ( and what-used-to-be-a-cookie )
> mark haddon's "the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime"
> my looney toons mug
> the word "dude"
> purple flowers
> silver dolphin earrings
> blue and green crystals
> manila hotel ballroom
> red plaid skirts
> the cartoon character "slim pig"
> katipunan avenue
> "hanging by a moment" - lifehouse

it's funny how some people can associate themselves to things. it's useful when you're trying to remember. it's hell if you're trying to forget.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Morning: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

The Good:
It's raining today! It hasn't rained in about a month. The skies are gray, the air is chilly. This is my perfect weather. The smell of rain is absolutely wonderful.

The Bad:
I lost my umbrella. I thought i would be okay with just a jacket and a cap. I forgot i had to walk 5 minutes to get to the office. I'm completely soaked and i'm freezing in the office.

The Ugly:
Hmm.. nothing so far. But i'm going to school later, i'm sure i can find something there.

Good day to you all!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


time is an interesting thing to behold. each moment may be just a moment to some, but a lifetime to others. time is a matter of perspective.

what is wonderful about being human, envoloped in time, is that every moment can be the turning point of our lives. for good or for ill, we can turn each and every infinitesimal amount of time, which would have been just like any point in time, into the single most wonderful moment in our lives, or in the world, or even in time itself. it is this potential, to be able to change at any moment, that gives us true power.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Optimism: A Good Day

How i know that yesterday was a good day:
>the sun was shining but it wasn't particularly hot
>i wasn't very late for work
>my hair wasn't as messed up as it usually is
>i got to wear comfortable clothes
>the wind was blowing and the air was clean
>i didn't die

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

First Entry.

It's 9:40 at night. i'm excited and nervous at the same time, the kind of feeling you get when you're about to ride rollercoaster. the rollercoaster in this case is this blog. i wonder where it could take me? it's my decision, really. the possibilities are endless.